Dr. Eng. Dumitru CHIRLESAN

Physicist Engineer, specialized in "Nuclear Reactors", graduated in 1987 the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics.
Early stage researcher at IRNE Pitesti, physics professor, Doctor in Physics, Associate Professor at the University of pitesti, romania [UPIT - www.upit.ro], teaching subjects such as: general physics, theoretical physics, quantum physics, statistical physics, relativity and cosmology, solid state physics, physics of materials, ceramics and powder technology, materials and technologies for sustainable development, pollution and sustainable development, environmental risk assessment, project management.
General Manager of the Centre for Sustainable Development Engineering Projects [CPPDD - www.cppdd.ro] inside the Department of Environmental Engineering and Applied Sciences [DIMSIA] of the Faculty of Sciences of University of Pitesti [UPIT - www.upit.ro].
Is the ECTS Coordinator of the Bachelor study program "Nuclear Energy and Technology" of UPIT.
Author or co-author of 127 books, studies, articles, papers, its areas of research aimed not only advanced materials and their use in nuclear and environmental engineering but also education at all levels (including adult education) and initial training, continuous training, methodical and didactic teaching of sciences, evaluation and review of teaching, entrepreneurship, social inclusion, development Is also a trainer and trainer of trainers, curriculum development expert, expertise in strategies for VET and LLL, accredited skills assessor.
Is also President of the Group for European Integration [GIE - www.gie.ro]
His experience in EU projects comes from participation in over 100 projects (as a trainer, researcher, responsible and coordinates).
He was coordinator of diverse groups and teams and has a top-management experience of over 10 years in institutions with more than 800 employees.
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